Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Long Time, No See

I guess it's been a while since I made a post. I just haven't wanted to. I could make every excuse to myself about not having the time, more important things to do...but it's all the same. It's the same as why I've hardly prayed, or spoken to anyone from home. I just don't want to.

I'm having fun, don't get me wrong- I've made such fabulous friends and it's wonderful living here. But I'm getting ill again, and the money issue is getting bigger than I can cope with. I don't know how I'm going to pay my rent, and it's getting harder to and it over to God every time. I'm going to the Doctor as soon as I can get an appointment to discuss the fact that my "happy pills" just aren't helping as much as they used to. I've had soe bad days recently- I've been listless and mopey and more than I ever have before, anxious. Things that I would normally laugh off have made me freak out. Silly things really. Please do pray for me if you can. In the meantime, I need to get some discipline back and see if by talking to God every day and getting some real help, I can change my situation.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

And so it begins...

The new students have began to arrive...

So far we have two boys, both from the same school in Wisconsin. One of them for sure is a Christian, which is good news for me! It's nice knowing there's someone else going about and you're not the only weirdo on the floor! (Joking, of course, but you get my drift). They both seem nice, and we also discovered there are other permanent students staying at the other side of the floor! How we managed a whole semester without knowing they were there is beyond me.

Generally, it's less lonely now that there are definitely people out there! And we managed to have a decent conversation about church and baptism and all of that kind of stuff with the girls who already live here last night which can only be a good thing.

It's funny how these things happen- I had spent the day hoping and praying for another Christian to arrive at some point, and the same day, into the kitchen walks a guy wearing a 1 million for Jesus t-shirt who wants to be a youth pastor- I don't know about you, but I don't believe in coincidence- God really does hear us when we call! 

In other news, SAAS came through today and I should get 3 weeks worth of Boots pay tomorrow, so things are looking up on the money front. The lady at residential services said just to come in with cash here and there to pay off my December rent- even if it's only £20 or whatever at a time. So that's a bonus. I really do believe that God will provide for me this year, but I need strength to keep believing it every time things go wrong. I've learned this week that provided I have food in, I don't actually need to be spending money- I haven't spent a penny since Monday, and I haven't wanted for anything. I also may be able to get work as a telephone fundraiser or student ambassador which would be perfect as it would only be during the semester, so prayers for that would be appreciated!

All in all, today is a good day. I'm off to step class with the girl across the hall now- pray I survive that and the rest of the day will be great!!

Blessings x

Sunday, 3 February 2013


It's always bittersweet when the time comes to leave home and go back to Stirling.

On one hand, I'm so excited for all that God has for me this semester- my new flatmates, my old flatmates (who I miss!), as well as Street Pastors and hopefully some stuff with Tearfund. I also will need to get a job this semester! I'm planning to do a spot of tutoring to make a bit of extra cash. Praying into my money worries all the time, and I'm sure God will see me through.

On the other hand, of course there are people here who I love and I will miss a whole heap. Mostly people from Shedd who I have become closer with while I've been home, but also my family (obviously!).

I also need to tell my parents that I'm getting baptised next month and time is running out...

Last day at Home

Today is my last day at home. Lots of packing and organising to do!! But first, I have to go to Shedd for the morning service and see everyone there before I go. I'm on Sunday club too. Busy bee!!

I think today will be a good day. I have worked out that I will be able to pay my February rent, yey! Now I need to work out how to pay the December rent I'm owe, and the rest of it when it comes- but I'm sure God is dealing with it. As much as I wish someone would just come and hand me a cheque, I know I can survive if I trust God.

In other news, the goss on the new roommates is that they are all boys. I guess that makes sense since last time they were all girls but I'm not sure how I feel about it!! I guess we will have to wait and see what they are like! Praying that God has some good things lined up for me this semester. Let's face it, whoever moves in, they won't be these guys:

Blessings x

Friday, 1 February 2013

A Little Better

I'm less panicked today.

I've advertised as a tutor in Stirling for Mods, which I guess I can make quite a bit from- it pays much better than retail. But on the other hand, I'm experienced in retail, waitressing, I can work a bar, and I've done admin and receptionist work.

My only dilemma is that if I get a "real job" I'm tied to Stirling and can't come home so often- my perennial dilemma. I need to let go and accept that I live there now.

God, I need your guidance.