Tuesday, 14 May 2013

One Down!

Well one exam is over!! That was stressful- but thank goodness it's done! I know that with God's help I can get through the next two.

The tricky part is all the catching up I need to do to prepare- the ups and downs of the semester have meant I have missed a whole lot of class. It's taking a lot of concentration to get through- and that's not something I have a great deal of at the moment! It seems so silly that it would be so hard, as academic stuff is the bit I've always been good at, but when it's a fight to stay awake for the day it becomes more of a challenge!

That and of course, the "essential" work being carried out on the windows which involves a huge crane bleeping constantly (a "safety feature" apparently) just outside. I don't think they quite understand how challenging exam time is for some of us over at residential services! However, I have sent them an email and hopefully there is something they can do. In the meantime, I need to take five to do my devotional and zone out of all the study stress!!


Well, today's reading is on accepting our weaknesses- that's a tricky one! Do we want to do something to impress others, or to glorify God? It's easy to convince ourselves that through the act of impressing others, we can glorify God- I'm not saying that's not the case, but God does not require us to build and maintain a reputation for Him. What he requires of us is to abandon our own. I think all of us come to a stage, at some point or another, where we need to make that choice- do we care more what God wants for us, or what people think of us?

That was certainly the case for me when it came to leaving my first university course- I didn't want to be the girl who dropped out, who gave up, in other people's eyes. It took me a long time to accept that no matter what anyone else thought, God had a plan for me, and it was to end up where I am now. I could not be more thankful for that.

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